
Thursday, April 16, 2009


So I am at work right now, and a girl came in earlier that I sort of knew from high school, we ran cross country together, and were in a few classes together - but it's not like we hung out, outside of school. To my surprise, she totally knew my name, she asked how I was and the whole bit. I for the life of me could not remember her name and I felt bad because she knew my name. This isn't the first time this has happened, it actually happens to me a lot ... I don't know what it is, I just have a hard time with names. I blame it on the fact that I am a twin, therefore my entire life people have been trying to figure out what my name is, it's always a luck of the draw or 50/50 chance of getting it right - for a lot of people I come into contact with. As I 'tweeted' my frustration, it crossed my mind that God knows everyone’s name -- there isn't a single person He cannot put a name with a face. That truth gives me such rest and peace

"And the LORD said to Moses,
'I will do the very thing you have asked,
because I am pleased with you and
I know you by name"
Exodus 33:17

My Creator knows my name; He knows who I am inside, my soul, my longings, my desires, my fears. Isn't that what we as humans want? To be known. I find such hope in the fact that my Savior truly knows me and accepts me, like a husband would know and accept his wife, or as anyone who would know and accept a close friend. He knows when we hurt, when we feel pain. His knowledge far surpasses just our name. He knows the depths of us and sees who we really are, and yet loves us the same. Knowing this gives me such joy and peace. It makes me want to know the heart of my Savior that much more, because He knows me too well.