
Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday morning rambling ...

May is here.
May is one of my favorite months. I love that the weather is FINALLY worthy of being enjoyed. I love that summer is on the horizon. I love that flowers and trees are in bloom. May is such an exciting time, a lot of changes though - ending one thing and starting something else. It will be good, I can tell. I don't know where April went, it went by so fast. I told my self at the end of March that I would go the entire month of April without buying Starbucks OR music off of iTunes store. I succeeded with my goal of not buying any Starbucks for a whole month and learned, what is so cool about over priced coffee anyway?! However, I could not hold to not buying music off of iTunes ... at least I finished 1/2 of my goal! Better than failing both..ha. Well May is looking good; it's officially summer, I am meeting a family I potentially will be nannying for part time (while still at the library). Oasis is coming to a close, and contrary to how I felt about Oasis at the beginning of the school year, I have completly fallen in love with the sweet girls in my group ... they are each so unique and that's why I love them, they make small group fun and hopefully I can stay with them through at least their middle school years (maybe through high school .. who knows). So May is bringing things to an end and beginning things too, so it's exciting. God is giving me a new clear perspective of His love towards me, and I can tell He is doing powerful things in my life right now ... I am slowly learning that, not knowing is part of the great adventure. I am excited to see what May has in store for me.