
Thursday, November 5, 2009

We're All In This Together

After attempting to type out a post like ten times......I found a post I liked better than all of my feeble attempts combined from a guy named Tim Schraeder. When it comes out on DVD, I plan on watching it a again with a notebook and pen by my side.

These are some of his tweets, tweeted during the movie, as seen on his post about the film.. I encourage you to read the original post too.
  • Maybe the human race [for possessions, fame, power] isn’t meant to be a race at all.
  • Loneliness is one of the most extreme forms of poverty.
  • Too often we dwell in the past or focus too much on the future that we miss this moment.
  • The future will be written by the way we respond to moment that’s in front of us.
  • If what happens inside the four walls of the church doesn’t make a difference in the streets that people travel to get there, then maybe we are missing the point.
  • We’ve trained ourselves to look past the needs.
  • Ignorance isn’t just sleeping through the fire, it’s really just fanning the flame.
  • Love has been reduced to define what makes us feel good.
  • At the core of who we are, every single human being craves the same thing… love
  • Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s love to humanity.
  • Jesus didn’t die to give us religion, He died to give us love.
  • Our weakness is a place for God to show His strength.
  • God’s picture for the Church for us to be the light to the world around us.
  • For too long the Church has made a big deal about the small things, and a small deal about the big things.
  • Preaching does not come from the pulpit, it comes from the people of God living their lives out for Him (Brother Andrew)
  • We don’t just attend church, we are the Church.
  • The Church exists for those outside of it.
  • If we want to make history, we need find our place in His Story.
  • The love of God cannot be measured but it can be demonstrated.
  • We need to preach the Gospel with our actions.
  • We’ve made a dangerous division between what’s sacred and what’s secular; nothing is secular, everything belongs to God.
  • If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.
  • What we are not, He is.
  • The greatest of these is love.

    Amos 5:21-24 (The Message)
    "I can't stand your religious meetings.
    I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
    I want nothing to do with your religion projects,
    your pretentious slogans and goals.
    I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes,
    your public relations and image making.
    I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
    When was the last time you sang to me?
    Do you know what I want?
    I want justice—oceans of it.
    I want fairness—rivers of it.
    That's what I want. That's all I want.

Jesus didn't die to give us religion,
He died to show us his LOVE.
LOVE Jesus first,
LOVE His people second.

Join the movement >>

1 comment:

E said...

Wow, these are very deep tweets.