
Friday, August 22, 2008

life is strange right now.
a lot of situations are making
me wonder or think about things.
life is changing and decisions are being made.
God is still good and He is the God that p r o v i d e s ...
well summer is almost over, classes start soon
- still praying about potential job opportunities
life is going quickly........
pray & seek

random summer re-caps:
So I go to a fairly large 'mega church' as the kids say, anyway so we have enough kids to have our own sleep away camp - which is sweet, not a lot of churches have enough resources to do that. Since I love camp, I volunteered to counsel for the week of was so much work I don't even know how people do that for entire was crazy, God taught me a lot and I loved all of the girls in my cabin - so many stories and funny moments that I won't ever forget, good times were had in northern Michigan!
I became a mom for a week...literally. My father, mother, and twin sister went on a missions trip. Leaving me, my two younger brothers and my older sister who worked all night shift so I could work during the my week consisted of getting up too early, going to nanny and coming home to my brothers...we had some good times - we ate out a lot because by the end of the day I was not feeling the whole cooking scene...then by the end of the week it was just me and the boys because my sister and her friend biked to Jackson [about a hour & half drive]
Other random times included; girl talk...the talk you can't talk with anyone else...countless hours spent drinking coffee at rams horn till the wee hours of the night [a local diner that is open 24/7 & our friends own it's clean and the service is good], raining walks through downtown Detroit, amazing time of prayer and worship, my 19th birthday, random bikes rides, turning over new leafs, going up to Lake Ann for the weekend [my second home], going to short & sweet wedding ceremonies, Mexican dance parties, spending more time at the beach, long drives and good talks...

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