
Monday, October 26, 2009

God of the City

What do you think when you think of Detroit? It’s scary, home of the automobile, big business failure, or almost always cold... if you thought any of those you’re pretty much right on. But do you ever think of the PEOPLE of Detroit? Day-Twah is the home of so many people, suburbs or not, millions claim the D as their home. Home unfortunately holds different meaning depending on who you’re talking to.

To the well-to-do’s of suburbia Day-Twah, home is over sized, filled with things, managed by ‘help’ and provides comfortable places to slumber. To the middle class of The D, home may be tighter in space, yet still filled with things and provides a warm place to rest ones head at night. To the poor and needy, home may be an uncomfortable bed in a crowded shelter or a park bench in a lonely over grown park. Homelessness exists everywhere if you look for it, yet it cuts deeper knowing how close to home it is.

A group of people from my church, who are passionate about spreading Jesus’ love and hope to the hurting, started going down to Mack and 3rd every Sunday afternoon mid-summer. There, a group of homeless people wait outside of shelter known for crime, drugs and prostitution. Whether it’s staking out a place in front of the chain-linked fence, that guards the shelter or sitting on the curb of the three lane one-way street corner, this what home is to the people at Mack and 3rd. Getting to know their stories [Read some here by my talented friend Stefanie] and struggles, while creating community with them is what we are called to do. By meeting some minor and basic physical needs, while looking into their spiritual and comforting their emotional needs, we are able to spread Jesus’ message that is for EVERYONE. The message of hope, love, value, forgiveness, and healing.

When I think of Detroit I think of the potential it has as a thriving city. I believe that the Church, holds the key to hope and healing for a hurting City(ies) and its people. There is much potential that is just waiting to be revealed. A great up rising of restoration on this city can be possible only through Christ, and people trusting God will provide, protect and guide.

You're God of this city, you're the King of these people, you're
the Lord of this nation, you are...You're the Light in this darkness, you're the
Hope to the hopeless, you're the Peace to the restless, you are... For there is
none like our God, there is none like You, God! Greater things have yet to come,
and greater things are still to be done here.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Senior Photos

Currently editing some senior photos.....
How I wish I had this much motivation during the day!

Time well spent

Over the summer while Up North I got up early one of the mornings we were there, to watch the sunrise. There I spent real time with God and quieted my own heart just to hear His heart. I can't tell you how refreshing our Savior can be. This needs to happen more often than not, because it really is time well spent.

+Being still

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Beautiful Day

Earlier, I was driving to work from church and I could not believe what a beautiful day it iwas! Though the air is quite crisp, today is simply a gorgeous fall day! During my twenty-five minute journey, the car temperature read 45° the entire time, yet I felt it necessary to have the windows cracked with the heater blasting – strange I know.. All of the sudden I heard, “The heart is a bloom…” I knew this could only mean one thing, that U2’s, Beautiful Day was about to be blaring over my crackly radio speakers, and how fitting right?

taken from my phone...while swerving on the road :)

Today has been a Beautiful gift from God. I guess everyday is, but today especially. I have so much to be thankful for on this Beautiful Day, and yet so often I take so much for granted. In church today--one thing I am thankful for, my church--our pastor spoke on temptation, referencing Luke 4:1-13…it was of course a slap in the face. One of the points was “resist the temptation to take short cuts” (vs. 5-8) 5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7So if you worship me, it will all be yours." 8 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." This is something that I tend to do so easily and is a honest struggle. Often, I believe the lies that Satan throws at me, and reach for the crown before I take the cross. I loved when my pastor said “short cuts abort the plan of God”, when I choose to take the short cuts, I am stalling the plan God has for me…taking the easy way out instead. My prayer for this week is that I would choose the cross before the crown, by NOT taking any short cuts – even if it means pain or persecution.

Well, that is one reason I have had a Beautiful Day…learning and growing in God can be so beautiful and I don’t want to miss any God given opportunities to do so. Now I am at work. One thing I actually really, really, really don’t like to be doing on Sundays is… working. But today I am trying to have a good attitude about it, because I am pretty thankful for the job I have. Okay now I just need to prayerfully pursue a Beautiful Week…even when my alarm clock does off at 6:30a, wish me luck.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


We're All In This Together
Hillsong United's latest project is coming to a theatre near you! The next part to I-Heart Revolution is a feature film/documentary that will be screening in theatres across the country NOVEMBER 4! Check out the list of theatres to see which one is closest to you. + spread the word!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dear Life,

Why are you overwhelming me right now? In between school + work, it seems there is just too much of everything going on all at once. There isn't really a day during the week when I can ever just sit and be still. I am always doing homework, at work, in class, or trying to do homework. A lot of the time I feel like I can't get everything done, that needs to be done. When will you ever get exciting?! Instead of being all work and little play?

this photo [fall2006] makes me miss using
35 mm film + processing in a dark room.

I need to keep reminding myself that,
ALL things are possible.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8