
Monday, October 18, 2010

Not So Perfect People

We are all broken people in need of a Savior. After reading this meaty article on, I've been thinking a lot about how easily we hide brokenness. Especially after personally being broken before God and witnessing so many others with brokenness in their lives this week. We live in a broken and imperfect world, therefore all of man is broken. In all of us is something that makes us broken,"poverty and being gay and worship and money and porn and sex and depression and abuse." [the list goes on; hardship, personal struggles, divorce, addiction, pride, arrogance]

We can individually recognize that we are broken. For some reason, we've adopted the mentality that EVERYONE else around us at church is okay and seemingly perfect! How did we come to this conclusion, more so why? Christ didn't die for PERFECT people?! If we were perfect, Christ wouldn't have had to die in the first place. We look at how messed up our life is at present and hold it locked inside. We paint on our smiles every Sunday morning (or night), when asked how we're doing we nod and say good. Are we REALLY good?! It's this scary cycle of beating around the bush until we (hopefully) crack. We try to appear as perfect people. How exhausting, always trying to polish the outside, when our insides are decaying away. Always trying to be perfect gets old quick, yet we've all gotten really good at it. Jesus didn't hang out with perfect people. He surrounded himself with the people that had issues and USED THEM! After all, Christ died for the UNGODLY.

I can recall times in my life where I've felt brokenness in my life and begged God for courage to bring it to the table. I would tell myself, okay this is it, I'm going to come forward, this has to get off my chest. I would constantly talk myself out of it, in fear that I would be judged by fellow Jesus followers. If you feel that confessing your brokenness will make you feel ashamed or embarrassed...think about how ashamed and embarrassed Christ was when he WORE all of your shame on the cross. Instead of feeling ashamed feel empowered! Christ is then ready to USE you. I feel that part of the issue with us not wanting to confess our brokenness comes from being too comfortable and viewing grace as a get out jail free card. We must desire to be used by God, which can be a scary thought but it's the step we must take to follow Jesus fully.

The key here is honesty and authenticity. We have to break down the walls that make people feel less than for being broken. We have to put an end to this tendency of "having it all together". None of us have it all together. Sharing brokenness welcomes; prayer, encouragement, weight lifted, accountability, grace, mercy, and love.

To combat brokenness within the Church we must get on our knees. Ask God to reveal broken parts of your heart. Once we can recognize the brokenness of our own heart, ask God to come into it that dark, yet never hidden part of our heart. He is and will always be the healer and deliver, He longs to see your broken heart restored. Also pray that God would make you available and approachable to those around you with broken and messy hearts. God has a history of successful heart transplants, allow Him to operate on you today! It's going to be uncomfortable and the healing might take longer than hoped for, but lasting results are promised.


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