
Monday, April 6, 2009


I am a worry wart. I worry about almost everything. My parents tell me I am subtracting days from my life because I worry so much and that it raises my blood pressure. I try to hide the fact that I am a worrier and play it off that I am just concerned about a particular situation. I grew up knowing the infamous Steve Green kids song or jingle "Do Not Worry", inspired from the verses in Matthew 6:25-34, it is still stuck in my head and yet I can't seem to put it into practice. ((add cheery, childish harmonies to the lyrics below))

"Do not worry about tomorrow;
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink.
Is not life more important than food
and a body more than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air;
they do not sow or reap,
or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them!
Do not worry about tomorrow.

I know not to worry. I know in my head that it's technically a sin to worry. When one worries, they are basically telling God "I don't trust that You will take care of my needs". So why do I worry so much!? Because I’m human and “my spirit is willing but my flesh is so weak” (worship throwback). Satan knows I am a worrier so he takes any chance he has to make me worry. I hate it. I know in my heart I trust God and know He has a perfect plan for me, but I need to so desperately curve my worrying to resting in the Truth. I need to put into practice my ability to trust God wholly, by not worrying.. I love in Jeremiah 29:11 (the verse that was on almost every one of my graduation cards) the promise God gives to us, He KNOWS my plans, He promises me a hope and a future in Him. All over scripture God not only commands us not to worry and trust in Him, but gives us comfort that we aren't alone. If God is always with us, we never have to be afraid. In Acts 18, God tells Paul in a vision not to be afraid, because He was with him. God opened my heart, eyes, ears, mind, and soul this weekend to what I need to work on in my far from perfect life. God commands me not to worry, therefore I must not worry. It's as simple as that. I want to have a renewed spirit and mindset and a trust in my Creator that I can't even find room to worry. One more quote, I love how William Cowper put it in this poem about our Creator - it's so powerful how God does move in mysterious ways and all I have to do is sit back and wait patiently ... with out worrying what tomorrow will bring.

"Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.