
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


last week:: busy, busy, busy... long hours at work [winter camp week is crazy, it's all everyone talks about & works on, even if you don't work in WSM...hence the blog neglect], valentines dinner-movie date with some of my favorite girls, caught up with old friends, prepared for winter camp, had an awesome ending to a WSM girls weekly Bible study, spent all Friday at church and then went to camp.. finally!

I've been going to winter camp since I was in middle school and I would say that this year, was the best year.. it makes me excited for the possibilities for next year!!

God did awesome things in and through the WSM community... several student gave their lives to Christ, re-committed their lives to Him or were literally saved from spiritual emergencies... there was such high energy during worship and awesome testimonies from the students on Sunday morning.

the theme of the weekend was being united; there's so much power in the body of Christ being unified... in worship, in community, and in Him!

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