
Friday, June 29, 2012

guest post: Bangkok to Detroit, same same but different

My friend Lindsey recently got home from an anti-human trafficking trip in Thailand.  I LOVED how she worded this post, so I had to repost her :) leave her some love on her blog!
*see blog here

Bangkok to Detroit, same same but different 
How can two evils be so alike and so different and half a world away from each other?
I’m still processing and working my way through Thailand (I recently went on an anti-human trafficking mission trip). The dark, the evil, the sadness, and also the light, the joy, and the purity of the Father’s love. In Bangkok sex is no secret. It is not hidden and prostitution is socially acceptable. Sex sells on a menu and where there is one girl there is many. One of the hardest realizations for me was the daunting feeling these young girls grow up with knowing the expectation for them to bring in money by way of prostitution is heavily set upon them.....some even from birth. Sixty percent of men that fly into the Bangkok airport fly in for sex. To use, abuse, belittle, and degrade young girls.....because they think they ‘can’ or they feel ‘entitled’, whatever their motive is it is wrong. When you walk down the streets of Pat Pong, the 2nd largest red light district in the world sex is not hidden. Signs that read ‘Super Pussy’ or ‘Super Girls’ are plastered all over. Every corner is home to 2-3 people asking if you want to go to a ‘ping pong show’ which is a sex show. Every bar leaves open just a large enough crack in the door so you can peer your eyes in and see dozens of teenage girls either half-dressed or naked. Innocent baby girls. Yes, there are brothels hidden in the depths of the city that house continual sex trains off 11 year old girls that most do not know about. Yes, there are hidden sex rooms the higher you travel up in the bars. There are also obvious sexual acts that are so sickening you turn your eye and somehow convince yourself what you see is not real… I’m sure that is how those young baby girls feel too. But for the most part, sex in Bangkok sells itself right in front of your eyes. There is a purpose for these tourists, a plan of action, a pre-determined mind set, and innocent lives fall responsible to fulfill. 

Almost an entire world away…across oceans and miles away in Detroit, Michigan some of the same evils listed above take place. The difference? In Detroit for the most part it is hidden. You don’t walk down a designated street for young woman or lady boys. You don’t walk down a four block neighborhood and see 4,000 girls/lady boys selling themselves. You don’t walk up and down streets to see young western men (and old ones, too) purchasing sex before your eyes. In Detroit, Michigan, my home, it’s the same but it’s different… sex is hidden. Now if all you’ve ever been exposed to is prostitution within the United States you won’t fully understand this; you may think ‘prostitution is not hidden here’ but when you travel to the worst of the worst, Detroit appears to be a cake walk when compared… but that is not true. Looks are deceiving. Just because we do not have designated streets or sex sold on a menu does not mean that Detroit is any better off than Thailand – but rather the opposite. It’s the hidden that is worse. If 11 year old girls were the same as the 15 year old we met in ‘Super Girls’ bar in Pat Pong they would not be hidden in a brothel… in the same way, if the women in Detroit who are caught up in the Sex trade industry were ‘not in as bad of conditions’ as the others then the evil wouldn’t be hidden. I’ve been all over Detroit at night, 10pm, midnight, 2am, 4am, in the strip clubs, at the bars, strolled over Michigan Avenue and it is nothing like Bangkok. But when you go deeper into the neighborhoods, drive up and down the streets that look like a war zone, peer into the busted windows, boarded up doors, the crack houses……it is there that you will find Bangkok in Detroit. 
via Connie Rock

I went out last night with a local ministry who offer prayer and pass out bagged lunches and hygiene packets to the afflicted in those very streets and neighborhoods of Detroit. I had gone with the team prior to my trip to Thailand and then again after my return home. Night and Day difference. I left Thailand thinking ‘what in the world… my city is nothing like this’ and after last night I came home and thought ‘they are almost the same’. How can two evils be so alike and so different and half a world away from each other? In Thailand people say ‘same same but different’ that is what I think about Thailand and Detroit – same, same…but different. Here we have to look for the evil, search for the girls… in Thailand it’s all in front of your face. I’m not saying one is better than the other… actually quite the opposite. Both are disgusting and inexcusable. Last night while driving through these broken neighborhoods I thought I was in a war zone. A similar war zone I felt while in Thailand. These girls were afraid for their lives. The same look of desperation, hopelessness, and distress gazed from their eyes. In the last week three girls were found dead in the neighborhood we were in. All left to die in their own pool of blood from their slit throats. One of the girls was only eighteen, her life barely lived. Each girl we came in contact with (which were many) immediately wanted prayer. Similarly each wanted protection. 

This morning the Detroit Free Press released an article stating 70 arrests were made in Metro-Detroit within 3 days in connection to sex trafficking. Five girls and one boy recovered from child prostitution, ages ranging from 13-17. Arrests made in the city I grew up in. Sex trafficking is not just in Bangkok, Thailand or Amsterdam, or any other third world country. Sex trafficking is here. It is in our own backyards. It is everywhere. We must do something besides turn a blind eye to the topic that makes us feel uncomfortable. 

Find out what you can do in YOUR community. Find out how YOU can make a difference. And be encouraged… Jesus Christ has OVERCOME this world – and no evil, no prostitution, no pimp, NOTHING CAN OVERCOME HIM! Share His hope, love, joy, and goodness; wherever you are is a good place to start. Pray for your city, your state, your country, and this world. Sex trafficking is the 2nd largest crime in the world and each night thousands and thousands and thousands fall victim. Enough is enough. Let’s change our city. 

Google search ‘Human Trafficking in the United States’ = 18,700,000 results  
Google search ‘Human Trafficking in Michigan’ = 1,210,000 results 
Google search ‘Human Trafficking in Detroit’ = 897,000 results 

And pray for me as I seek the Lord on returning to Bangkok in October. 

At His Service, 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

summer time

first of all where did JUNE go!? this summer seems to be slipping by way too fast for my liking!

last week I went on a lovely relaxing vacation with the fam! lots of driving, sand, sun and eating out...typical vacation, right? other summer happenings have involved bon fires, driving with the windows down, warm weather, sun tan lines, eating lunch outside at work, watershed ... summer has been so good so far!

Friday, June 15, 2012


seriously?! this song gives me chills. that Kari Jobe knows how to lead the Church in powerful worship!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

morning glory

whoa! blog world in the AM... haven't seen this side of things in a while! like since my library days! anyways, this morning is a little bit more laid back than the usual rush cause I have to pick up my brother from a half day at school soon... BUT that's is besides the point!

this AM deserves a post BECAUSE it's only 9 AM and God is already talking to me... not that He doesn't on any given day, but today I REALLY needed to hear from Him!

1. bright & early a lovely friend of mine -- creative, hard working and very servant minded -- who does A LOT for the ministry I work for, sent me a really encouraging text. [when hello it should be the other way around, cause she does SO MUCH for us at lighthouse] it's like she knew I needed a pick me up at 7 am! it's also funny how encouragement is contagious... cause now all I want to do is send out encouraging texts the rest of the day!

2. lately I haven't really had time to actually read through twitter... I usually just post dumb/random things through out the day, but don't get a lot of time to read through others tweets... but I did this morning! and Brian Houston post this tweet and I was like WHOA! he read my mind! [aka God just knows us & our needs]

"Every single day of your life is a fresh chance to be an overcomer. Today is no exception!"
-said in a thick/strong Aussie accent of course

walk in His encouragement today.
no matter what today brings, glory in it!

ps this time next week I'll be on the ocean with my family! cannot wait to smell the salty air!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Selah ::

two songs that make my nose tingly for more of Him
& cause me to just wait on Him... 

1. OVER MY HEAD / STARFIELD; this song describes what has been going on in my mind. my tiny human mind does not understand His ways. how is that HE would choose to use me!? all of HIS grace lavished on me is literally over my head..

Over My Head by Starfield on Grooveshark

Unquenchable songs and endless praise
A million tongues poised to sing
Could still not convey
The worth that Your name deserves
Beauty for ashes
Joy for pain
Mercy instead of my blame
Ruins me for more
I'm lost in Your presence, Lord


Lost for the words to say
I'm left here in disarray
Waiting for You, waiting on truth
I've thrown reason overboard
Knowing that there's still more
I don't yet believe, I can't even perceive
I can't seem to understand
Can't seem to find my way
It's over my head, it's over my head
Learning this mystery
Trust what I cannot see
It's over my head, it's over my head
The wonder of all You've made
Foundations Your hands have laid
Bringing me back to my knees, to my knees
I'm lost for the words to say
Lost for another way
Bringing me back to my knees, to my knees
I'm lost for the words to say
Lost for another way
Ruined for anything other than Your love
I'm desperate to know You, Lord
Desperate for what's in store
Finding my hope in only You, in only You
Take me beyond this door
Lead me to something more
Open my heart up for more of You, more of You

2. MAKE US READY / HARVEST BASHTA; basically my cry and prayer for my life. this is exactly what I want... 
Make Us Ready by Harvest Bashta on Grooveshark

Let there be oil in my lamp
Let the fire not go out 
When I hear the Bridegroom comes

Make us ready

So take my lamp set it on a hill

Set it on a lamp stand 
I wont be hidden
I wont be hidden

So take my lamp set in on a hill
Set it on a lamp stand 
I wont be be hidden
I wont be hidden 

I’ll be dripping with the oils of love
I’ll be dripping with the oils of love

Monday, June 11, 2012

next move

it finally happened. I have an answer for where/what I'm doing next. I got accepted to Moody Bible Institute...starting in the 2013 Spring semester! God has taken me on quit the journey to get to this point.  lots of questioning/ups/downs/cries/toil/encouragement/anxiety... and now looking back I can see why He was doing what He was doing, when/why He was doing it....

I read Psalm 136 the other night... while I was just praising God without words to express how THANKFUL I am, that after all of this time... I finally feel like I'm out of the wilderness, no more just wandering around aimlessly [for now anyways .... ]

"to him who led his people through the wilderness; His love endures forever!"
God has been so faithful... even in my unbelief and doubt, He remained so faithful.  I'm thankful for a God who takes care of us in time of wandering/wilderness.

I can't wait to see what He does in and through me in Chicago! I hope to be studying for a major in Women's Ministry or Ministry to Victims of Sexual Exploitation. excited for this next chapter or adventures... is this really my life?! is still a very relevant life statement... a year after being in Australia/Thailand.

anything I do. anywhere I go. I just want Jesus to spend & send me! all I can do to thank HIM is give Him my life... day after day after day. thank-You, thank-You, thank-You for wanting to use a broken messy life!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

three for thursday.

1. work is more fun with with friends! I'm super blessed a. to work for my multi-campus church b. to have a work laptop that allows me to bounce around to different campuses...when my boss isn't in! who knew working remotely could be so much fun!? megs & I are going to try to have work days at least once a week from now on...I'm excited about it! and believe it or not, we ACTUALLY seem to get a lot done.

2. I've had zero motivation to run or even go on a flipping walk this week! then I read online that if you're loosing motivation, to change your playlist & route/routine... so I did and it was very successful!!

3. here are some worship songs I'm currently listening to via spotify... aka the best invention ever! old school & new school... that version of Jesus Lover of My Soul gives me chills every time!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

finding Hope

this week I started reading the book My Name Is Hope by John Mark Comer. he's a pastor at a church in portland & he has a great/easy-to-read/raw writing style...which is awesome, I'm cruising right through the book--huge strides I've made since high school, says the once I-hate-reading-tough-girl :) anyways, the book is great & he uses SO MUCH SCRIPTURE!! to me that's the best part, lots of "inspirational" books unfortunately don't use too much scripture, it's mainly just the authors having lots of passages to reference & soak in is excellent! get this book... it's basically about what he has learned through his personal struggle with depression/anxiety & how he found the Light at the end of the tunnel... through the power of Christ, not just Zoloft.

you certainly don't have to be depressed or anxious to read it either...chances are there are people in your circle of life struggling, so it's just good insight all around. depression/anxiety is unfortunately very common today. it's time to stop letting satan steal our JOY that can only come from the Lord! Hope has come & is patiently waiting to walk us back to the Garden & restore our everlasting joy/peace!

*ps I feel super accomplished whenI do an entire post via my Blogger iphone app :)