
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


daughter of the King.
I just LOVE what this phrase means...
daughter: belonging
of: ownership
the King: utmost/highest/ruler

that also happens to be the name of the girls only weekend that WSM does every other year.  this past weekend 150 of us gathered to be reminded that we are daughters of the King! the theme this year was hidden: safe. secure. adored. stemming from the passage in Colossians 3 that says we're hidden with Christ... leaving us safe/secure/adored! it was such an encouraging weekend.  the girls each got letters from their dads/father figures.  watching the girls read their letters was the most nose tingling part of the weekend!! I love the relationship between fathers & daughters, it doesn't matter how bad or how good your relationship is with your dad... there's still a very unique connection between the two.  and this is only magnified when it comes to our relationship with the ultimate father figure, God! we're safe/secure/adored by our heavenly Father! on Saturday night as the leaders, we got to speak Truth into each girl one-by-one.  we shared with her characteristics of God we saw in her, told her what God thought of her, encouraged her and prayed over her. this was my favorite part! being able to crush satan with TRUTH. we were able to help erase lies that the girls may have believed or been told... ah it was so great, it gave me chills to look the girls in their eyes and tell them who God says they are. we also did lots of typical girly things like; paint nails, have a fashion show, give out cute gifts, eat lots chocolate, cried lots of tears, laughed a lot, said YOLO after every sentence, dance to one direction.,. ya know the usual things! ///////// it was a refreshing weekend.

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