This week I have been thinking about Australia way too much. I miss it SO much, it's paralyzing. It makes me wish my life away. I can't keep looking in the rear view mirror and it's so frustrating! I'm trying to make forward motion, but it sucks! It's going to be hard & difficult. Then I'm reminded that this time last year, my forward motion to Australia was hard & difficult. Hopping across the pond for six months seems like cake compared to what God has for me next. I can't dwell on the past if I want to move forward!! The next mountain I want to get over is going to take the same kind of trust, faith, and strength it took to go to Australia... I need to replace my mourning for Australia and be empowered to go above and beyond towards the next mountain... because with
HIM nothing is impossible.
With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.
Jesus, give me more faith that YOU can move mountains...
I shouldn't need anymore signs, I think sending me to
Australia & Thailand is a big enough sign.
Just give me more faith.
I like it mate! Keep taking each step as God leads. Any ideas where you're walking at the moment?
Thanks for the encouragement Cookie!! Right now I'm waiting to hear back from a Bible college... if I get in, I'll be going to Bible college in August :)
"i shouldn't need any more signs... just give me more faith." yes, please. thanks for the needed reminder.
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