
Saturday, March 3, 2012

sweet surrender?

Sweet Surrender by Luke Parker on Grooveshark

God's teaching me A LOT lately that surrendering to Him is a daily thing... more like a minute-by-minute thing! I REALLY need to work on surrendering my plans, my thoughts, my dreams, my life... that's where closeness/oneness with Him comes. Whoever is reading this is probably thinking to themselves... duh! Well hello, way easier said than done & I'm learning to lean into Him. His ways are HIGHER, so why is it so hard to surrender!? It's difficult for a planner/perfectionist to live life with open hands... I know I am capable, I just have to hype myself up for it... like I did all the other times, Jesus I need Your help.

For my [dreams/desires for you]
are not your

neither are your [plans/agenda]
[plans/agenda for you],

declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my [plans/agenda for you]
higher than your
and my [dreams/desires for you]
than your

Isaiah 55 v 8-9

[slightly] intimidating,
yet comforting nudge.

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