christmas 2011 |
I LOVE my mom, Lisa Lyn.
we might not really share any physical traits, but we share the same middle name, which has always made me feel like your favorite! [but we all know you can't have favorites....] here are some ramblings of things I love about this woman!
I love that... you took care of this sick baby! I'm sorry for any sleepless nights & for making you wait while I just
had to have surgery...I can't imagine having to experience that as a new mommy, thanks for being strong & courageous during the sick years. I love that
you have always believed in me, even when I doubted myself. I'll never forget driving in the car two summers ago and
you told me that I
needed to go to Australia and that you believed that I
could get there.
you always speak/spoke value/Truth/security into me.
you made growing up care-free and enjoyable; just by coming to my t-ball games, that one jazz recital, class presentations, field trips and by understanding my hate for that whole school thing. I remember last mother's day skype date and being so happy just to hear
your voice...it was very comforting in such a foreign place. [I'm glad we're in the same time zone this time]. I love that summers growing up,
you made us go to bed when it was still light outside... I guess now I sort of trust
you had good intentions.
you cleaned up our vomit and
tried your best to make us take our medicine when we were sick... even though
you found it under my bed.
you stayed with me when I broke my arm and had to go to a big scary hospital, instead enjoying a birthday at Major Magic. my entire life,
you taught me what
really mattered in this life; a relationship with Jesus, people, and family.
you still loved me when I was a nasty, cranky, and angry teenager. I am so thankful for all the wisdom
you've shared with me. thanks for showing me how to unconditionally love.
you have [and continue] to be an excellent example of how a wife, mom and woman should be! I can't wait to
try to be half of the mom you have been to me.
you make your job as mom look so easy... so it will be funny when I come crying to you in a few years asking how you did it?!
other kids are wrong, because I actually think you're the best mom.
xoxo #three